Monday, October 10, 2011


What with the very cold winter up here on the Highveld and with enforced hospitalisation for a long overdue ankle joint replacement operation I have been forced to neglect my blog ! Maybe I frightened many people away with my  brief about "erotica" I would prefer to think not !
As always, despite the economy, interest in all things Southern African," Africana",continues to dominate sales and enquiries.Nothing wrong with that.Even overseas demand has increased and this is due in part to my installing "Pay Pal".
Once again, over the next few weeks.I shall be talking'Collectable Books' and I don't just mean Wilbur Smith, Lawrence Green, and T V Bulpin.For example I have just opened on my web site' direct and through "Bid or Buy"..."buy now") seperate categories for such as "Alistair MacLean" and" Alexander Kent". Many more are to come.If you would like to see a seperate listing for such as "John Grisham"," John Le Carre" or" Robert Ludlum" amongst others drop me an 'e'mail on and I will be pleased to oblige.After alll. I do have the books.  More Soon !