Monday, November 28, 2011


Probably the commonest questions I am asked about my blog and my website is "What is Africana ?"

and I always say(relative to books) "Any book about Southern Africa,whether old or new "

This of course covers a multitude of books ! Far more than I ever dreamed ! It is simply amazing !

I have learnt a great deal about Southern Africa,South Africa in particular by just handling the books;if only I had time to read them all.

In this blog I will try and talk about the authors and their subjects.I sincerely hope that I do reasonable justice to "Africana"

Books are bought,not only to read,but to collect, to give as gifts,and to re-sell and us booksellers do our best to satisfy those needs.

Times may be hard but books are stll great ! from all those points of view !

As the Great Bard himself could have said "Read on ! Read on ! Read on !"