Friday, March 6, 2015


The words, most distinguished, have been used to describe Martin Gilbert,the British historian who passed away recently and few would quarrel with that.His output was staggering and if you consider that he spent 25 years  on the Winston Churchill biography, producing 8  large volumes,you  will appreciate the research and detail that were involved.
In all his historical books he endeavoured to weave together all aspects, political, diplomatic, military and personal.
This is particularly true of his "First World War" and "Second World War", both running to almost 900 pages.
His books on the Holocaust and the rise and menace of Nazi Germany have become major works of reference.
Space does not permit  listing all his work.

As a Fellow of Oxford University, he lectured there and he was in great demand for that. worldwide.

His work will live for a thousand years.

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