Friday, February 27, 2015


  I am delighted to announce my new blog :-


It would seem that my monthly newsletter ( has become increasingly popular amongst my book buyers where in  addition to announcing the new additions to my web site,I have  tried to be topical about happenings in the book world, but space has it's limitations.
Having changed the name of this blog to"collect books with Doug" I have also managed a link from my new blog to my web site   "".So, if you are browsing an article on my blog,say on Andre Brink ,and you would like to know which of his books are available on my site all you have to do is to'click' on to the box on my title page and this will take you to my web site 'Home Page'.You can then order from there if you wish.
It is hoped that 'Google' permitting I can install the reverse,i.e web site to blog, in a simple way.Watch this space.
Whist I will continue to keep you informed on such matters as the 'postal strike' and so on I will now be able to advise you on the relative collectability of  both authors and their books etc etc by using the extra space that a blog gives one.For example, whilst I don't much like the idea of an obituary section for departed writers ,I do like to bring these to your notice as it does have an immediate effect on both availability and collectability. See below.
Fundamentally I would like to be informative as the life stories of the authors often as interesting and informative as the books they write(or have written)
Let me start by mentioning a few recent facts..........

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